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The β-structure of S-caboxymethyl derivatives of microfibrillar proteins isolated from Merino wool was investigated by X-ray diffraction for comparison with the structur of β-keratin. The S-carboxymethylated microfibrillar proteins(SCMKA) w well-oriented β-films of SCMKA weer obtained by stretching the SCMKA cast films in steam up to about 300% extesnsion. It was found that the reflections in β-pattern of SCMKA may be indexed on a pseudo-orthorhombic unit cell with a =0.94 nm, b = 0.66 nm and c = nm, where the ab, and c axes are in the direction of the interchain hydrogen bonding, the main chain(fibre axis) and the side chain, respectively. The unit cell dimesnions evaluated for SCMKA were almost the same as those for β-keratin, suggeting that few peptide sequences containing S-carboxymethyl cystine may be involved in the formation of β-structure from SCMKA.  相似文献   
The reproductive ecology of the dioecious genus Siparuna , belonging to the primitive family Monimiaceae, was investigated in Ecuador. Thirteen species were studied, and species growing at high altitudes (above 500 m) were compared with species growing at lower altitudes. The genus has specialized flowers pollinated by Cecidomyiidae (Asynapta sp. and other genera) that lay eggs chiefly in male flowers since these are more easily accessible than female flowers due to their morphology. Several traits ensure that pollen transfer is accomplished: 1. long flowering of individuals and single flowers; 2. specific floral morphology (unisexuality, landing platform, restricted pore) allowing the flowers to be visited by Cecidomyiidae seeking egg-laying sites, and 3. a low number of ovules that have to be pollinated in each flower. The low number of ovules per flower results in a high pollen-ovule (P/O) ratio even though pollen production in male flowers is only moderate.
High altitude species had larger flowers, higher pollen-ovule ratios, fewer ovules per female flower, and longer periods of anthesis. Gender differences were seen in the longer functionality of female flowers; the larger numbers of male flowers produced; and the average diameter at breast height (DBH) biased for one of the two sexes depending on the species investigated, with no clear trend in the size distributions of individuals of both sexes. Sex ratios departed significantly from unity both to male and female bias but usually were in favour of males. There were no general differences in the ratio of functional male to female flowers at the time of observation nor in the sizes of male and female flowers. The evolution of unisexual flowers in Siparuna can be explained as a result of the differential predation by larvae: unimportant in male flowers, destructive if occurring in female flowers.  相似文献   
Blondel  J.  Isenmann  P.  Maistre  M.  Perret  P. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):129-136
By comparison with deciduous oaks, the lower yearly production of new leaves in sclerophyllous oaks is hypothesized to have several consequences on animal communities. In particular, the production of arthropod communities that feed upon the leaves should be lower in sclerophyllous than in deciduous oaks, this causing changes in breeding patterns and the demographic balance in insectivorous birds. Studies in both deciduous and sclerophyllous habitats in southern France have shown that: 1) the spring development of new leaves occurs later and more slowly in sclerophyllous than in deciduous oaks, 2) the biomass of caterpillars is much lower in sclerophyllous oak forests, and 3) there is a large variation in life history traits of the Blue Tit depending in which type of habitat they breed. Laying date occurs later and clutch size is lower in sclerophyllous habitats than in deciduous habitats. The evolution of life history traits is discussed according to whether poor sclerophyllous habitats are isolated (e.g. on Corsica) or are parts of landscapes including both habitat types.  相似文献   
Observations on morphological characters of milk and permanent teeth, based on 648 pairs of dental casts of 356 male and 292 female Jat children of Haryana (India) are reported. Deciduous teeth show high frequencies of bilateral winging of maxillary central incisor, Carabelli's cusp of maxillary second molar, and deflecting wrinkle of mandibular second molar. Reduction of maxillary molar cusps is more marked in males than in females. Y pattern is very common in deciduous molars. Permanent teeth have high frequencies of grooved cingulum of incisors, cingular nodule of lateral incisors and canines, and distal accessary ridge of canines. Low frequencies of Carabelli's cusp and winging are also common. The tendency towards faintly developed shovelling in milk incisors occurs more often than in the permanent teeth.  相似文献   
Summary The production of a multi-marker strain given a series of strains each carrying a single marker will require a considerable investment in time and resources when based on a series of formal crosses. Such strains can be produced rapidly and with only minimal resources by recurrent cycles of random mating and selection, with selection based on the number of desired alleles carried.  相似文献   
Random bred Merino ram and ewe lambs were vaccinated at 1, 2 and/or 3 months of age with irradiated T. colubriformis larvae. An exponentially increasing challenge of normal larvae was given to all groups including unvaccinated controls commencing at 1 month of age. The results, based on faecal egg counts, showed a dissociation into animals which responded to vaccination (geometric mean egg count 441) and those which did not (geometric mean egg count 1567). The proportion of responders was greatest in groups first vaccinated at the earliest age (1 month). Wool growth and liveweight gains showed severe depression corresponding to peak egg counts, however, responders were less affected than non-responders. There was no correlation between haemoglobin type and resistance to challenge. Faecal egg counts after impulse challenge with 10,000 normal larvae given at about 612 months of age showed a significant ranked correlation with those obtained during the primary exponential challenge. These results confirm that a proportion of young lambs respond to vaccination with irradiated larvae, and that genetically-determined factors are implicated in the ability of animals to respond to vaccination at an early age.  相似文献   
Out of the five late Roman-early Byzantine cemeteries at Sayala, the three large burial complexes CI-III were found to represent the same population not only on the basis of 76·6% of the metric features already studied, but also of 72·9% of the 48 non-metric features examined in the present paper. The remaining features, which show different frequencies, were most probably related to some social and/or genetic isolation of the three subgroups (“lineages”) of the same basic population.The left-right asymmetry of the frequencies was practically irrelevant; sex differences were however present in one-third of the features observed.Some of the traits showed unusually high frequencies, revealing a high rate of inbreeding within a homogeneous population.To evaluate the relationships among the CI-III people and the neighbouring populations, 22 discrete traits were compared with the same traits studied in 11 Ancient Egyptian samples by Berry, Berry & Ucko (1967) and in 6 contemporary African Negro samples by Rightmire (1972). It was shown that the Sayala CI-III population does not resemble either of these groups. The fourth contemporary Sayala sample from A cemetery was also found to be not related with the CI-III sample on the basis of the same traits. The fifth contemporary Sayala sample from N cemetery was too small to be tested. Moreover, the comparison between the CI-III population and the C-group population of Sayala also revealed the lack of genetic continuity. The isolated position found in the CI-III population of Sayala agrees with the hypothesis that it would represent the Blemmyes, people originating from the Eastern Desert.  相似文献   
林婉奇  蔡金桓  薛立 《生态学报》2019,39(18):6738-6744
人类活动改变了氮素从大气向陆地生态系统输入的方式和速率,进而导致森林生态系统养分变化和失衡。研究氮磷添加对不同密度樟树(Cinnamomum camphora)幼苗生长和叶片性状的影响,可以为全球氮磷沉降背景下亚热带地区樟树人工林的经营管理提供依据。本试验以1年生樟树幼苗为试验材料,选择氯化铵(NH_4Cl)作为氮肥模拟大气氮沉降,以二水合磷酸二氢钠(NaH_2PO_4·2H_2O)模拟磷添加。氮磷处理设置CK、施N、施P和施N+P 4个水平,种植密度设置10、20、40和80株·m~(-2 )4个水平。实验数据表明:N、P和N+P处理对樟树幼苗的苗高和地径均有促进作用,且N+P处理对幼苗生长的促进效果最好。N、P和N+P处理在整体上均能增加幼苗叶片的SPAD值,N和N+P处理均增加了幼苗叶片的比叶面积(SLA),而P处理减少了幼苗的SLA。随着种植密度的增大,N、P和N+P处理下樟树平均单株幼苗的苗高、地径、SPAD值呈现下降的趋势,各施肥处理下叶片的SLA变化规律不明显。密度和氮磷添加对叶片的SPAD值产生显著的交互作用。  相似文献   
植物对干旱胁迫的响应表现为各功能性状的差异化表达。全球气候变化下,青藏高原地区降水格局发生改变,高寒草甸群落功能性状及功能多样性在不同生长期干旱事件下的响应机制对加深高寒草甸适应气候变化认知具有重要意义。以藏北高寒草甸为研究对象,设置截雨棚模拟生长季前期(ED)、中期(MD)和非生长季时期(ND)干旱事件,通过观测群落物种功能性状,分析高寒草甸群落功能多样性对不同生长期干旱的响应机制。结果表明:(1)叶片功能性状对干旱存在差异响应,表现为叶片小而厚且寿命长,同化速率降低,并受氮元素限制加剧;(2)生长季前期干旱对高寒草甸群落功能性状的影响最强,生长季中期干旱次之,非生长季干旱的影响最弱;(3)生长季干旱处理显著改变了群落的功能多样性,ED处理下功能分散度指数(FDiv)和功能分异度指数(FDis)显著降低(P<0.05),而Rao二次熵指数(RaoQ)显著升高(P<0.05),MD处理下功能均匀度指数(FEve)显著降低(P<0.05);(4)相关性分析得出,群落功能性状与功能多样性对干旱的响应之间存在着联系。本研究发现高寒草甸植物功能性状与群落功能多样性对生长季前期和中期干旱存在差异化响应,指示着高寒草甸植物群落在响应不同时期干旱时可能采取不同的生存策略,即对生长季前期干旱采用耐旱策略、对生长季中期干旱采用避旱策略。探讨了高寒草甸植物群落功能多样性对不同生长时期干旱胁迫的响应机制,为预测未来季节性干旱事件对青藏高原高寒草甸植物功能性状、群落特征和功能多样性的影响提供科学依据。  相似文献   
旨在探究喀斯特地区退化生态系统植被恢复树种凋落叶分解过程及其对土壤碳排放的激发效应,为选择合适的树种进行植被恢复提供数据支持。以中国林科院热带林业实验中心大青山石山树木园11种适应性强、耐干旱贫瘠的优良石山树种为研究对象,利用13C自然丰度法区分凋落叶和土壤来源CO2并量化土壤激发效应,比较不同生态恢复树种凋落叶分解及其激发效应的差异,探讨凋落物分解及其激发效应与凋落物性状之间的关联。结果表明:(1)11个生态恢复树种凋落叶在碳相关化学性质(水溶性碳、半纤维素和单宁含量等)、养分含量(磷和镁含量等)及化学计量特征(碳磷比和氮磷比)等方面均表现出较高程度变异。(2)不同生态恢复树种凋落叶分解及其诱导的土壤激发效应具有极显著差异(P<0.001);在整个培养实验期间,11个生态恢复树种凋落叶平均分解了35.3%,其中海南椴分解最快,达到50%,而青冈栎分解最慢,仅分解16.5%。(3)总体上看,凋落叶处理的土壤呼吸速率(5.1 mg C kg-1 土壤 d-1)是对照土壤呼吸速率(2.3 mg C kg-1土壤d-1)的2.2倍,凋落叶添加显著促进土壤有机碳分解,平均达到37.6%;其中海南椴、割舌树和任豆凋落叶输入则抑制土壤有机碳分解(抑制程度分别为-13.2%、-6.9%和-22.5%),产生负激发效应。(4)凋落叶分解与非结构性碳(r=0.63,P=0.04)和水溶性碳(r=0.91,P<0.001)呈显著正相关,与叶干物质含量(r=0.64,P=0.03)、纤维素(r=0.62,P=0.04)和锰含量(r=-0.63,P=0.04)呈显著负相关。多元回归分析结果表明,水溶性碳、钾和钙含量相结合可以解释生态恢复树种凋落叶分解变异的98%;然而,凋落叶性状与土壤激发效应强度之间并没有显著相关性。从土壤养分归还角度考虑,喀斯特退化生态系统恢复树种可以选择光皮梾木、海南椴、顶果木和降香黄檀等凋落叶分解较快的树种,以促进土壤养分循环和植被恢复;另一方面,从土壤碳固持角度来看,海南椴、任豆和割舌树等凋落叶输入会抑制土壤有机碳分解,从而有利于提高退化生态系统土壤碳封存能力。  相似文献   
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